
Smart Process: 
Production process optimization.

We reduce the productivity constraints present in the production process or operations, in order to increase efficiency in production and make it more sustainable.

Over the past years, we have developed a Sustainable Productivity Model (SPM) that has enabled us to identify process improvements and increase productivity in over 100 companies at a national and international level.

Through our Sustainable Productivity Model (SPM), your team will receive knowledge and a roadmap for implementing various continuous improvement methodologies in the short and long term.

The focus is on optimizing processes to provide comprehensive solutions in a continuous improvement process to maximize efficiency, quality, and profitability of operations, ultimately enhancing productivity and enabling organizations to stay competitive in an ever-evolving business and industrial environment.

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The Sustainable Productivity Model SPM has 3 phases


1. Diagnosis and analysis.

2. Solution implementation.

3. Continuous monitoring and improvement.

These phases involve identifying improvement opportunities, mitigating productivity constraints, reducing operational costs, standardizing processes, implementing Lean Six Sigma methodologies, managing and/or training the team, and strategic planning, among others, to achieve objectives.

Find out how it works here

  • Initial process assessment: Identification of key processes to analyze or intervene.
  • Data gathering: Collection of relevant data on processes, including cycle times, workflow, resources used, performance metrics, etc.
  • Process Analysis: Thoroughly examine each step of the process to identify the current capacity, potential bottlenecks, redundant or inefficient activities.
  • Identification of productivity constraints: Determine the factors negatively impacting the efficiency and productivity of the processes.
  • Development of an action plan or Work plan: Formulate a detailed plan to address the identified limitations. Define clear and measurable objectives for each proposed action. Establish a timeline and assign responsibilities for plan implementation.
  • Solution selection: Evaluate various improvement alternatives and choose the ones that best fit the organization's needs and goals through a prioritization matrix that helps prioritize projects or alternatives to be executed during the intervention.
  • Implementation of short-term solutions: Execute the actions identified in the action plan to address the most urgent limitations. closely monitor the implementation process and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Employee training: Provide training and development opportunities for staff involved in the processes to be improved. Ensure that all team members understand the changes implemented and are equipped to utilize new tools or methods effectively.
  • Gathering feedback and making adjustments: Collect feedback from stakeholders regarding the effectiveness of the implemented improvements. Make necessary adjustments to the process to address any identified issues or challenges.
  • Long-term Strategic Plan: At this stage of phase 3, a strategic plan is developed to provide additional solution alternatives to address general issues in other areas or even in the same intervention process. The goal is to broaden scopes for future projects and to offer clear solutions that the company must implement to further enhance efficiency and productivity of operations and/or processes in the long term. Look for opportunities for innovation and continuous optimization in existing processes.
  • Seek opportunities for innovation and continuous optimization in existing processes.

Sign up and get a diagnosis of your production processes


We are currently seeking 30 companies interested in enhancing their productivity and efficiency through process optimization. Typically, the process optimization diagnosis costs $200, but by subscribing, you can receive it at no cost, along with additional benefits if you choose to implement it.

Fábricas de productividad
Somos extensionistas del programa de Fábricas de Productividad a través de las Cámaras de Comercio a nivel nacional.

  • ¿Conoce qué son y como funciona el programa las Fábricas de productividad?

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Years of Experience

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Completed Projects

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Increased Productivity

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Increased Operational Profitability

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