About us

Our goal is to make a positive impact on the industrial sector by helping them boost their productivity and operational profitability. We are a Benefit and Collective Interest Society - BIC that socially and environmentally impacts all stakeholder groups.

"Together, building an industry where community well-being and interest lay the foundation, and progress is our pledge."


Mecanicad SAS BIC:
A Decade of Excellence in Streamlining Operations, Boosting Productivity, and Enhancing Industry Profitability.


  • Savings of over 19.000 million pesos in production costs.
  • Increases of 30% or more in production capacity and reduction of operational times.
  • Savings of over 8.000 million pesos in energy costs.
  • 20% increase in labor productivity.
  • Reduction of 16% or more in quality defects.
  • 26% increase in customer satisfaction.

We are a dedicated team providing consultancy and engineering solutions to the industrial, agroindustrial, commercial, and professional services sectors or niches.

We focus on maximizing the efficiency of the tangible and intangible resources of your sector. Get to know our services here.

We have achieved:

  • Reduce operational costs.

  • Increase productivity.

  • Promote energy efficiency.

  • Empower your workforce.

  • Achieve fast ROI.

  • Implement process automation and control.

  • Embrace new technologies.

  • Among others.

Our Team

Meet our experienced team


Jhon Ceballos


Paula Ceballos

Technical Director

Robinson Buitrago

Project Engineer

Carlos Muñoz

Project Engineer


Andrés Giraldo

Project Engineer


Catalina Orozco

Project Engineer

This is what makes us different!

We have extensive experience across various industrial sectors, allowing us to have a comprehensive perspective and integrate knowledge to propose impactful solutions.

We specialize in reducing uncertainty in continuous improvement processes, plant and equipment expansion and/or relocation projects, the adoption of new technologies, and automation and control processes.

We are BIC - Benefit and Collective Interest Company. Our goal is to serve with purpose, make you more environmentally sustainable, and contribute to human well-being.

Linea de tiempo

Mecanicad SAS BIC signs pact for inclusive competitiveness. Integral part of our corporate social responsibility plan.

Mecanicad SAS BIC firma pacto por la competitividad inclusiva

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